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Group Labelwork (GKJ)


Typically, practitioners of the KJ method use paper labels and four-colored ball-point pens to externalize their thoughts and ideas during a creative thinking process. A similar approach and method is used in group KJ lessons. However, due to the large paper size required, this approach is limited in the effective capturing and sharing of diagrams. Considering the merits of the conventional paper-pen approach and the demand for a quick sharing of diagrams after the session, we designed and implemented a system to digitize the group KJ session---not just the diagrams but also the details of the creative work processes. We used digital pens during the session to capture the position and orientation of labels as well as their contents. We confirmed the efficiency of our system over the course of several KJ sessions.



  1. Takahiro Nyu, Motoki Miura: Evaluation of Gesture-Command Input Method for Pen-based Group KJ System, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2012), pp. 1857-1866, September 2012.
  2. Takahiro Nyu, Motoki Miura: Editing the Visual Properties of Collaborative KJ Diagram Decoration by User-Defined Handwritten Gestures, 2012 Seventh IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile, and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, Takamatsu, Kagawa, pp. 208-210, March 2012.
  3. Takahiro Nyu, Motoki Miura: Applying Gesture Command Input Method for Pen-based Group KJ System, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2011) Part III, LNAI 6883, Kaiserslautern, Germany, pp. 96-105, September 2011. (info)
  4. Motoki Miura, Taro Sugihara, Susumu Kunifuji: GKJ: Group KJ Method Support System Utilizing Digital Pens, The IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E94-D, No. 3, pp. 456-464, March 2011. (CiNii)
  5. Motoki Miura, Taro Sugihara, Susumu Kunifuji: Augmented Collaborative Card-Based Creative Activity with Digital Pens, The HCI International 2009 Conference Proceedings, LNCS 5610, San Diego, CA, pp. 644-651, July 2009. (pdf)